The origin of the OVAC Group
​The collaboration of two companies established One Voice Adastrapera Consulting (OVAC) Group:
One Voice Consulting Limited (registered in UK) and Adastrapera Limited (registered in Nigeria).
What we do
​We support SMEs and individuals in all areas of programme, software development, business and financial management. Our pragmatic solutions will help you achieve your objectives.
Our team is dedicated to getting to know you, understanding your business needs and delivering your ambitions.
We pride ourselves in adopting a pragmatic approach to identifying problems and tailoring solutions that will help you achieve your business and personal goals, no matter the size or the stage at which we become involved.
We always put relationships first and never lose sight of what is important to you in any business or personal decision.
Our philosophy is tailored to meet your changing needs, give you confidence and provide you with peace of mind, making us your pragmatic partner.