A message from our Chief Executive Uwa Ojike and our Programme and Change Director Ngozi Fakeye
Everyone says the world around us is changing. This is true, but the main constant is to always be prepared to adapt to these changes without losing sight of your main objective.
As we start 2021, it is worth acknowledging that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought great challenges to businesses, regardless of size, location, or funding. We are proud to have supported several organisations in adapting their business model to meet these challenges and by so doing have kept many people in jobs and businesses, like ours, afloat.
While the pandemic has sown global disruptions and tragedies, it has also provided many opportunities. For a consulting firm like ours, it has opened international markets and provided an emphasis on pragmatic solutions that we know our clients need.
Pragmatic partnering in our context involves looking at your challenges in the socio-economic context of your market and making recommendations to bolster business growth. This could be signposting you to use your existing infrastructure to start a new line of pandemic-proof business; improving your cashflow; helping you meet your financial needs or relieving you of the burden of project management overheads. Reach us at enquiries@ovacgroup.com to find out how we can be your pragmatic partners.
We would personally like to thank all our valued clients for their continuous support and trust - we couldn’t have been where we are now without such a tremendous level of endorsement from all of you. We also would like to thank the team at OVAC Group, including our freelancers, for all their hard work and incredible levels of enthusiasm in ensuring that our clients get the best from us.
We are excited at the prospect of 2021 and look forward to working with our current clients and growing our client base. To this end, we have launched our new website. This makes it a more dynamic and responsive tool for engaging with us. We look forward to your feedback.
Finally, we are also delighted to announce the return of our annual conference, Afro Business Expo. The focus for this year is on Remittance Transfers. The pandemic demonstrated that international money flows are an essential lifeline for individuals and multinational organisations. Gone are the days when our understanding of multinationals consisted of those listed on the FTSE500. We have clients who are multinational in their own right because they operate in several countries. The conference will bring together leaders and policymakers from Nigeria and the UK to promote growth in the $24B market in Nigeria.
Have a happy, healthy and successful 2021.
Uwa and Ngozi.